
Appeals procedure

This policy is aimed at our customers, including learners, who are registered on one of our courses.  It sets out the process you should follow when submitting appeals to us, and the process we will follow when responding to appeals.  It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal with all appeals in a consistent manner.

Boxology® responsibility
It is important that all staff involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of Boxology®.  We will review the policy annually as part of our self-evaluation arrangements, revising it as necessary in response to customer and learner feedback, or best practice guidance issued by the our regulatory centres (ACTIVEIQ/CIMSPA).  If you would like to feedback any views, please contact us via the details provided at the end of this policy.

We will charge a nominal fee of £50 per learner applicant to cover the administration costs involved in investigating an appeal, which is retained if the appeal is not upheld. In the case of group appeals, the fee per learner will be reduced, depending on the number of learners. If the appeal is upheld, the fee will be waived and a refund issued. Where such appeals are partially upheld, the fee will be proportionately waived.

Areas covered by the policy
This policy covers:
∙  appeals from learners in relation to an assessment decision on the basis that Boxology® did not apply procedures consistently or that procedures were not followed properly and fairly
∙  appeals from a learner relating to a Boxology® decision to decline a request to make reasonable adjustments or give special considerations
∙  appeals about an investigation into malpractice or maladministration or a decision to amend a learner’s results following a malpractice or maladministration investigation
∙  appeals if you believe we have not applied our procedures consistently or those procedures were not followed properly, consistently and fairly

Process for raising an appeal
An appeal must be formally raised within 20 working days from the date you notified Boxology® of the decision against which you are appealing.

Learners who wish to appeal their assessment results to Boxology® recognised centre (ACTIVEIQ/CIMSPA) must have exhausted Boxology® own appeals process prior to contacting them. Where this is the case, learners must provide evidence that they have first completed the internal appeals process with Boxology®.

Information needed for an appeal to recognised centres:
∙  centre name, address and contact details
∙  learner’s name and Boxology® registration number (if relevant)
∙  date(s) you notified of Boxology®  
∙  course name and date
∙  detailed outline and reasons for the appeal

∙  contents and outcome of any investigation already completed internally by Boxology® relating to the issue

Appeals procedure
If you have a complaint, you should first try to sort out any problem at the earliest opportunity by speaking to the person who dealt with your problem initially.  If they cannot help or you wish to speak to someone else, please write to us by email to info@boxology.academy or by post to Boxology® Academy, Third Space, 67 Brewer Street, London, W1F 9US.‬‬‬

Once we are in receipt of your complaint, we will deal with it promptly, effectively and in a positive manner.

  • We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint.

Following the review of the appeal, we will write to the appellant with details of our decision within four weeks (If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this time frame, we will write to you explaining why and advise when you can expect a final response) to either:

1. amend our original decision in light of the new rationale/evidence being put forward which has been reviewed.
2. confirm we stand by our original decision and in doing so the rationale for this decision and request that you confirm, within 15 days, whether you now accept this decision or if wish to proceed to our independent review appeals process. If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this time frame, we will write to you explaining why and advise when you can expect a final response.

  • If you feel Boxology® has not dealt with your appeal fairly, then we will ask an independent reviewer from our awarding bodies Active IQ or CIMSPA to review the appeal.  The Independent Reviewer will review all the evidence which took place in the above stages and review if we’ve applied our procedures fairly, appropriately and consistently in line with our policy.
    The independent review process may involve:
    ∙  a discussion with the appellant or the learner and Boxology® personnel  
    ∙  a centre visit by authorised Active IQ personnel

Successful appeals
In situations where an appeal has been successful
∙  identify any other learners who have been affected and correct, or, where it cannot be corrected, mitigate as far as possible the effect of the failure (e.g. amend the results for the learner/s affected following an appropriate investigation)
∙  review our associated processes and policies to ensure that the failure does not occur again, or mitigate the situation as far as possible if the failure that occurred cannot be corrected
We will also cooperate with any follow-up investigations required by the regulators and, if appropriate, agree any remedial action with them.

Contact us
Email: info@boxology.academy
Post: Boxology® Academy, Third Space, 67 Brewer Street, London, W1F 9US.
Active IQ: www.activeiq.co.uk
CIMSPA: www.cimspa.co.uk